Men’s Waxing
Facial Waxing
Brow Wax
Flatter your face with beautiful brows. Waxing experts will assess your brows from every angle before shaping, trimming and tweezing to achieve their best shape and your personal desired look!
Ear Wax
Includes waxing of the outer most ear, ear lobe and partial inner ear.
Nose Wax
Breath easy. Just enough hair is removed from the inside rim of the nostrils. We do not wax far enough to remove the important hairs we need to keep.
Facial Grooming
Includes brow shaping, nose & ear wax.
*Only includes hair removal above the beard line. Beard hair cannot be removed using wax.
Upper Face/Cheek Wax
Removal of hair around orbital bone and cheek bones.
*Only includes hair removal above the beard line. Beard hair cannot be removed using wax.
Body Waxing
Abdomen Wax
Hair is removed from your sternum to your hip bones, so your belly is fully bare.
Lip and chin hair removal is a fast service with beautiful results that will leave your face smooth for several weeks.
Arm Wax – Under
Hair is waxed from the entire armpit, with tweezing to ensure complete smoothness.
Arm Wax – Half
Hair is removed from the tops of your shoulders to the elbows, so your upper arms are bare.
Hair is removed from your elbow to your fingertips, so the entire forearm is bare.
Arm Wax – Full
Hair is waxed from the tips of your fingers, up the arms, to the tops of your shoulders.
Leg Wax – Half
From the knee down, does include the knee.
Leg Wax – Full
Waxing of entire leg.
Upper Back Wax
Hair is removed from the tops of your shoulders to mid-back, for a smooth upper back.
Lower Back Wax
Hair is removed from mid-back to just above the buttocks, leaving you with a smooth lower back.
Full Back Wax
Hair is removed from the base of the neck to the small of your back, including your shoulders.
Full Buttocks Wax
Hair is removed from the cheeks and the strip in between where your cheeks meet.
Half Brazilian Wax
Includes shaft and scrotum only.
Full Brazilian Wax
Includes shaft, scrotum, top, sides and in between buttocks.